In the years 2003 to 2010 FHA GmbH in a consortium with Tanzer Consulting GmbH was authorized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW) according to § 75 Sec. 2 of the Austrian Waste Management Act ("AWG 2002") to control the compliance of several Austrian companies with ELV Ordinance (BGBl. Nr. II 407/2002). Additionally FHA GmbH was called to determine the reycling quotas by shredder efficiency tests for the recycling of end of lifetime vehicles in accordance to ELV Ordinance in the years 2004 to 2014.
The aim of the investigations is to verify and control the legal requirements and the recovery rates within the framework of the recycling of end-of-life vehicles.
The review includes, among other things, the following contents:
Presentation of the manner in which records are to be kept with regard to the fulfilment of reporting obligations.
Verification of the reports for previous years
Expert and professional inspection with regard to the suitability of the technical and structural facilities for the treatment activities in accordance with the End-of-Life Vehicles Ordinance
Description of the operating facility and the activities and work processes actually carried out
Description of the scope of the company's permit