Diverse Projects

  • Control of the specifications and performance of balancing tests and operational audits within the framework of the End-of-Life Vehicles Ordinance on behalf of the Federal Ministry for the Environment as well as ARAplus GmbH since the year 2003.
  • Performance evaluations of refrigerator treatment plants and review of the annual material flow balance according to § 11 of the Waste Treatment Obligations Ordinance on behalf of UFH RE-cycling GmbH and Energie AG Oberösterreich since 2009.
  • Supervision of the public relations work of the Elektroaltgerätekoordinierungsstelle (EAK GmbH) within the scope of various projects (homepage, school DVD) regarding the technical part about the collection and recycling quotas and technical basics of the recycling of old electrical appliances, since the year 2006.
  • Waste analyses of the dry waste fraction of RHV Grüne Tonne GmbH, Neunkirchen since the year 2014.
  • Analyses and studies related to the separate collection of used coffee capsules (Nespresso, Eduscho, and others) since the year 2012.
  • Determination of the masses of electrical and electronic equipment placed on the market and determination of the recovery and reuse rates in the years since 2006 on behalf of EAK GmbH in a consortium with Technisches Büro Hauer Umweltwirtschaft GmbH.
  • S7 Fürstenfelder Schnellstraße, section West "Basic characterizations and assessment verifications" on behalf of ASFINAG Bau Management GmbH in a consortium with Biutec GmbH since the year 2016.
  • Performance of audits within the scope of a control according to § 75 Abs. 2 AWG 2002 concerning the compliance with the obligations of the Packaging Ordinance on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in a consortium with Tanzer Consulting GmbH for the years 2005 to 2007.
  • Control of the residual quantity targets since 2001 on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management in a consortium with Technisches Büro Hauer Umweltwirtschaft GmbH (about 1,100 random samples per run).
  • Study on the recycling of KW refrigerators on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and the RAL Quality Association in the years 2007 to 2008.
  • Plant acceptance and performance tests at the LVP sorting plant of the City of Vienna, MA 48 on behalf of the City of Vienna, MA 48 since the year 2007.
  • Plant acceptance and performance evaluations of modules of the mechanical splitting plant, the pelletizing plant and the LVP sorting plant of Energie AG on behalf of Energie AG in the years since 2005.
  • Carrying out of route monitoring (LVP and MET collection) in the entire federal territory on behalf of ARA AG since the year 1998.